KomoRebi Finance

Financial Services

Individual Company Research

Choose a Publicly Available Equity (Stock) Or Debt (Fixed income) Security To Be Analyzed

Research will include:

- All available Analyst ratings on the security

- Simple, yet detailed, financial analysis to understand the most important aspects of the company: Revenue, Earnings, Margin, Valuation, and Risk analysis.

- Buy or Sell Rating

Provide your email at checkout and a team member will reach out to obtain the security you would like Analyzed.


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Portfolio Optimizer

Choose any brokerage account statement to receive a professional analysis breaking down the Quantitative and Qualitative characteristics of the portfolio


- Portfolio asset class breakdown

- Sector, Region, Market Cap/Valuation, Credit Quality, Interest Rate sensitivity

- Historical Performance & Returns Distribution

- Risk Metrics & Efficient Frontier

- Drawdown and Stress Tests against Financial Crises

- Breakdown of Fees you are currently paying

Provide your email at checkout and a team member will reach out to obtain the statements you would like Optimized.

$25/Account Statement

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Financial Advisory Services

Bespoke Financial advisory services tailored to your needs

Services include:

- Financial Planning and Structuring (Retirement, House purchases, Cash/Treasury management)

- Investment Analysis

- Incorporated Teaching

- Business Formation and Taxation


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Outsource Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) - For Businesses

If you own a Business and need Corporate Consulting, Market Research, Investment Advisory, and Treasury Management


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